1)Who can register on food pantry?

A)Anyone with a valid email and an Indian mobile number can register on our platform.

2)How Delivery Charges are Calculated?

A)We understood the customers pain who are paying high delivery charges.For that,we are using Gps based delivery module.So,You are going to pay a less fee of 5/- per Km(from store to your home).

3)Why Food Pantry didn't collected Taxes from customers?

A)Our top priority is to provide a good feel to customers.We think that our platform doesn't make any burden to our customers on their orders.For that,Food Pantry bare that taxes instead of customers.

4)What is the goal for Food Pantry on Delivery?

A)As of now,Non-Foodpantry Customers are being waited for grocery delivery for next day or More.So,We set a goal to delivery the grocery products with in 45 mins as food delivery.But,for Villages it based on distance.

5)What is the radius of the store to book on Food Pantry?

A)Our agenda is to give the same experience  of local shopping to villagers as same as Towns.So,as a startup we put the radius of 20 Km.And in future,we are going to increase that radius.

6)How can we contact Food Pantry?

A)We are available on most popular platforms.You can send an email to support@foodpantry.in.And also as preferable option,You can call/Whatsapp us on:+91-91080-9160.